Friday, 16 December 2016

Christmas Jumper Day

Today, we held a charity Christmas jumper day in the school. There were some wonderful jumper creations in our classroom - lots of colourful lights and baubles! The chosen charity was Bóthar. A few weeks ago, we had a visit from one of the Bóthar coordinators, to tell us all about the work that Bóthar do: sending farm animals out to families in poorer countries. Our donations will go a long way to help families less fortunate than us. Well done to all children who participated!
'Tis the season of giving and goodwill! 
Senior Infants in their festive jumpers

First Class and their wonderful Christmas jumpers!

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Christmas in the classroom

We have been very busy (like the elves!) decorating our classroom for Christmas. We made candy canes, stars, elves and Santa Claus. Have a look below!

Friday, 2 December 2016

Friday, 25 November 2016

Winter Art

All wrapped up for Winter!
Take a look at our winter outfits we designed, we have lots of woolly hats and scarves to keep out the cold!

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Animals Homes

First class have been learning about badger's homes and foxes homes.

A badger coming out from the sett
 Badgers live in a sett underground. They are very clean animals, they even have an outside toilet!
They have lots of tunnels in their sett, as well as a chamber for the cubs to sleep in.
As well as learning about their homes, we learned some interesting facts about badgers:

  • They are nocturnal.
  • They have a good sense of smell and hearing.
  • Badgers can live for up to 25 years
  • Badgers are protected animals.
  • Their tails can be up to 30cm long.

Foxes live in a den called an earth. Sometimes they dig their own, or move into an old rabbit burrow or badger sett!

When we did our K.W.L chart, we had lots of questions about foxes. Here are some of the things we found out:

  • Foxes can have up to 13 cubs.
  • They live for 4-6 years.
  • There are over 48 different types of foxes in the world.
  • A fox has 42 very sharp teeth!
  • Their bushy tail is called a brush, it helps them balance and keeps them warm in the winter.

A young fox entering the earth

Here are some of the plans we drew for foxes and badgers homes:

Keep an eye out for these Irish animals and more when you are out and about! Follow the link to find out more about our native animals


This week in maths, we are exploring length. Both classes have been busy estimating and measuring different items around the classroom. We have used crayons, cubes and lollipop sticks to measure how long things are. Length is always the longest side and we always guess first! Can you see below what we are measuring? What do you think is the longest item in our classroom?

Christmas Play

The Christmas play will be held on the 15th of December at 1.15pm for Infants and 1st class. We are busy learning lots of songs for our play, including 'Little Donkey'.
Click on the video below to practice!

2D Shapes

Senior Infants and First class have been learning all about 2D shapes. 2D shapes are all flat shapes.
Lots of shapes were sorted into groups by the Senior Infants, and later they made robots out of squares, rectangles, circles and triangles!
First class made some rockets that are shooting to the moon, take a look below!
A circle goes round and round and no end can be found!
A rectangle has 2 long sides and 2 short sides!

A triangle has 3 sides that meet at 3 points.
A square has 4 sides all the same size

1st class rockets! What shapes can you see?

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

1k a Day!

On Tuesday, the school launched it's '1k a Day!' initiative. Everyday, we will be running 1 km around the school grounds. First class and Senior Infants are having great fun exercising and getting lots of fresh air! 

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Hedgehog Art

We have been busy learning about Autumn in our classroom. Autumn is a time when the leaves are tumbling and swirling down from the trees! We painted some leaves in autumn colours, take a look below! Autumn is also a time when animals are getting ready for winter, our hedgehogs are very happy in their nests of leaves!

Monday, 12 September 2016

NCCA Information for parents

The following are some links to resources that you may find helpful to your child this year. Please click on the link to open.

Infant parent information and resources: Junior_and_Senior_Infant_Classes.html 

First Class parent information and resources: 1st_and_2nd_Classes/

Also, Senior Infants will be doing Aistear this year. Aistear is a curriculum framework for children from birth to six years in Ireland. Aistear is implemented in Infant classes, you can find more information on the following link: Introducing-Aistear.

Here is a link to the N.C.C.A.'s information for parents page: information_leaflet_on_aistear_for_parents_.pdf

Senior Infants and First Class

Welcome back to all the super Senior Infants and fantastic First Class this year!
Keep an eye out on this class blog for class news, parent's information, and all our classroom activities! 

Friday, 10 June 2016

6th Class Graduation

Congratulations to all 14 pupils in 6th class who celebrated their graduation ceremony today with their schoolmates, teachers and family. The ceremony took place in the school hall, which was beautifully decorated by the 6th class. Here, with their friends and family present, the children spoke of their time in St. Brigid's National School. Each pupil was presented with their certificate and a St. Brigid's cross by principal Ms. Duffy, marking their achievement of completing their primary education. A poem 'Graduation Day' was read out by Ushna, and Victoria marked the end of the ceremony by playing 'Somewhere Over The Rainbow'. Well done girls!
Each pupil wrote a message and attached it to a balloon, which were released on the steps of the school - where their journey began 8 years previously.
Then, it was time for their party, V.I.P's only - 6th class!
Thank you to all who helped organise the ceremony, and to Ms. Duffy and all the teachers for working so hard over the past 8 years!
Best of luck to Adam, Victoria, Matthew, Ellen, Daragh, Mark, Niamh, Lilian, Kelan, Ushna, Eddie, Caoimhe, Grace and Daniel!