Thursday, 21 January 2016

Bike Safety Course

Last Thursday, 5th and 6th class started their bike safety course, provided by Mayo County Council. We have been learning a lot about road safety for cyclists - road positioning, using hand signals and being aware of other road users. Also, we're having great fun practicing our cycling skills on our bikes such as balancing and maneuvering - take a look:

While I was doing the bike safety course, I enjoyed the game Simon Says, it was very fun and makes you think about what he says. During the bike safety course, I have learned to always cycle on the left hand side of the road. I have also learned that if you are cycling on the road always listen and be alert when a car is coming.
-Niamh, 6th class

While I was doing the bike safety course I enjoyed doing the game figure of eight. I enjoyed this because you had to be aware of your surroundings and you had to be very focused. During the course I have learnt a lot of things that I did not know before. I would really like to do a course similar to this one. Now that I have finished the course, I feel much more confident cycling on the roads.
-Ellen, 6th class
While I was doing the bike safety course I learned  how to use hand signals how to read road signs. Next I will try to remember all the road safety rules I learned and to use them. I also want to practise my hand signals. I would really recommend this bike course.
-Roisin, 5th class

While I was doing the bike safety  course I enjoyed the figure 8 game .I learned how easy it is to get run over. I will be much more careful in future. I will also try to practice my balance. I loved the bike safety course!
James Greally 5th class

Great fun as well as teaching us how to cycle safely on roads. One day we tried cycling straight forward while not looking at our wheel. It proved a great challenge but once we learned it, it was easy to do. I hope Gerry continues his job at helping us cycle. 
-Kelan,6th class.

I really enjoyed the hand signal and the figure of eight game. I also learned that cyclists always cycle on the left hand side of the traffic.I will be more aware on roads now that I know everything.
-Grace Grealy, 6th class
I enjoyed a game called figure of eight,the closing circle, and a game where we had to cycle around the yard and use hand signals to turn. I learned how to brake properly too.
 Cathal Greally, 5th class

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